Abandoned Worship

Mission | Vision | Application

Our Purpose

When you join the worship team you are more than a volunteer, you are a leader. It is our role to lead the congregation into spirit-filled and selfless worship. On the stage or behind the scenes, we all have a greater purpose than just using our talents. We are using our God given gifts and passions to teach the congregation how to biblically praise, worship, and thank the Lord.

Our Standards

You are called to a higher standard. The worship team is one of the most highly visible ministries of the church. It is important that you see yourself as a representative of Jesus Christ and of this church at all times. Yes, even at work ;)

Our Expectation

You are not just a volunteer. You are a part of our family! We create, encourage, and walk through life together. We do NOT gossip. If at any time a member is confused, discouraged, or unhappy with the way things may be happening at a given time, they are encouraged to speak with the worship leader personally. The only way to deal with hurt feelings, resentment, confusion, etc. is to bring it out into the open so that the Lord can help us work through it.

Team Weekly Schedule

Sunday: Worship & Tech practice at 8:00am

Hi, how can we connect?
Hopefully one our links below can answer any questions you may have. If not please fill out a connect card and we will be in touch.